Join George on his first adventure as he battles the evil King Tyrantadon and his prehistoric henchmen to restore peace to Dinosaur Planet and save the galaxy from an evil Cyborg Dinosaur invasion. George is a Super Blast Ranger with the Intergalactic Federation, tasked with keeping the galaxy safe from would be space villains. Our adventure begins when his ship is knocked off course by a stray asteroid causing George to crash land on this uncharted prehistoric planet, with his ship scattering into several pieces across the planet along with the gemstones that power the cosmic thruster engines.George must gather together his broken ship parts and power gems if he is to ever get off this planet, but the nefarious King Tyrantadon has already discovered the ship parts and has begun using the technology to make an advanced army of Spacefaring Cyborg Dinosaurs.Hurry and defeat the evil King Tyrantadon before he and his Cyborg Dinosaur army takes over the galaxy!